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Finding Good In the Worst


Imagine watching the news and seeing several cases of hate crimes and racially motivated violations, intermittently, yet frequent for over a period of 8 years; not to mention the incidents that occurred previously.Yes, as an African American it is extremly bothersome and it makes my soul quiver. In my mind, I wish I could just push a button and that would be the end of racism, but unfortunately that is not possible. My ancestors have endured such cruelty for a very long time. Racism has caused division in our country as well as all over the world. It is not something we are born with, it is a trait that is taught and learned. What's sad is that the teachers of this nonsense, are truly convinced that it is right and acceptable. Its so bad that racist parents are instilling these un-ethical beliefs about African Americans into the minds of their children whom proceeds to mimic the behaviors, gestures and conversation while not knowing nor understanding what it all means. Then, they grow older and carry these convictions into their adult lives. Now, this child is corrupt. It becomes a vicious cycle.

"A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others." This is how racism is defined on, and it is accurate in its definition. Years ago, blacks were only good for slavery and hard labor (at least that is what was perceived). I often as myself why were my people treated so badly? Why are my people STILL being treated badly? Then I ask my caucasian brothers and sisters and ask "what's wrong? Why do you hate us so much? Of course I wouldnt be speaking to everyone.

Over the past few years, I have carefully examined a situation thoroughly from top to bottom inside and out and beginning to end. I have learned that there is something to get out of all situations. I have concluded that there is some good in even what may appear to be the worst occurance. Case and point: our country is going through a horrible race war right now, but black and whites from all over have come together in unity and have taken a stand against racism. They are speaking up together and proclaiming that enough is enough! It does me well to see that some members of the opposite race are locking arms in effort to protect. It took the death of a man at the hands of a white police officer, for us to finally come together; now that's not to say that there are some Caucasians that have felt that racism and hate crimes have always been wrong, but what I am saying is that I believe that the death of George Floys is the straw that broke the camel's back.

In closing, I would like to petition everyone to thoroughly examine every situation; even the terrible ones, because I guarantee that there is always some good in it all.

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