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Picasso 101

I was inspired to write about this, when I heard a message that my pastor preached a couple of days ago. He talked about being a blank canvas.....starting over. For so long, we've tried to be our very own Picassos......painting a picture of our lives according to how WE see it, or how WE planned it, but the truth of the matter is that God already painted our canvas for us......He gave us a roadmap, but we just have to follow it. Having a blank canvas means a new beginning that God has given us. A blank canvas means so many possibilities and a lot of opportunities

Im not an artist, nor have I ever least not a visual artist.So If I was to sit in front of a blank canvas, I probably wouldn't know where to begin; I would arbitrarily put a lot of colors that had no system or would be so random. But at the same time, that exemplifies and depicts a care-free aura. But the truth of the matter is that although it may not make sense initially, but ultimately it still has meaning and purpose. That's kind of how life is. Circumstances and positions may not make sense, but there is a purpose and an insightful meaning. People on the outside looking in could very well not see or understand the canvas they are looking at, but it should not discourage us from continuing with more brush strokes.Eventually, purpose will be revealed.

The beauty of being a blank canvas for God, is that it gives Him the opportunity to create a beautiful piece of art in you. All we need to do is surrender control of the paint brush, and allow God to devise a masterpiece. We should not worry nor be ashamed of the paintings from before; those that had tears and holes that represented mistakes, wrong turns, bad choices, pain, heartache, etc. Store those paintings somewhere so that they can be compared to the new. The Word of God says, "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11) How awesome is that to know that God intentionally created us to be be beautiful creatures and he has destined our lives to be meaningful. He already knows that we will fall short, but His restoration plan is its up to us to allow it to manifest. "I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten the cankerworm, and the caterpillar and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you." (Joel 2:25)

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