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Why Can't They See ME? (Inside The Minds of The Black Race)

When I first decided to blog on this topic, I was planning to stick to the original direction of discussion, which was to disclose several of my issues and how I overcame them........through Christ. Yes, there was a time in my life where I did feel as though I was invisible to others; although its almost humanly impossible to walk in a room full of people and no one sees you, but that's how i felt. But I felt compelled to blog and shed some light on what's happening in our nation and communities now. For the past few days, i have been reflecting on the most recent events aside from Covid-19, and it is really disheartening and quite depressing to say the least. As a black woman with two African American males that are my sons, I'm concerned, hurt and scared. But as a woman of God and a believer in Christ, I am standing firm on God's Word that He will cover and protect them beyond measure.

There has been a lot of violence and destruction happening since the recorded death of George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer. I haven't seen anything to this magnitude since the Rodney King riots in 1992. African Americans all across the nation are enraged, and hurt behind the racial injustice that is happening......and rightfully so. Just weeks before, another racially motivated killing that took place in February, 2020 was brought to everyone's attention. Not to mention ALL of the other cases that previously took place over the past few years. While there have been a few black women that were victims of racial violence, there appears to be a target on black men. Even though I am not in favor of how things are being handled entirely, but I UNDERSTAND why its happening. I understand how my people are feeling. We feel that nothing else has worked. Clearly, you don't see us as individuals, you only see the color of our skin, which the last I checked, we didn't have much of a say in that matter.

For so many years, blacks have been oppressed, distressed, and dismissed simply because we are black. Has anyone ever taken the time to get to know US? Or does the buck stop once you see my skin color? Why do you automatically assume that because I'm black, i'm in a gang, or i'm uneducated, or i'm a drug dealer or drug user? Why is violence justified because I'm black? Why am I always a victim of DWB (driving while black). You don't care about our lives, so why should I care about your business or property? You don't believe that my life matters as an African American, so why should your investments matter to me? You made it a point to shoot a 12 year old black male because you "thought" the toy gun he had was real, so why should I care about who is in your store when I vandalize and destroy it? Yes, it sounds harsh and inhumane, but its very real inside the minds of some of my people.

God created diversity because he wanted a diverse kingdom. He wants people from all nations, tribes and tongue to come together and worship Him. We were all created equally in His image. He didn't create diversity for there to be division, He wanted a "colorful" kingdom. We are uniquely designed and we all have a purpose in His least that's how He wants it. He commissioned us all to discipleship and to go out to teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). God is not a respecter of persons. The only thing that separates us from Him is sin. Why should we be divisive towards one another if He is not towards us? We are not invisible to God, so why are we invisible to each other? God never once said that one person is greater than the other because of the color of their skin. All the opportunities God created for greatness is available to ALL of us. This is a pandemic within itself and it needs to stop. Hate and Love cannot dwell in the same atmosphere. I love everyone and I teach my kids to be the same way. Yes, all lives do matter, but today I take a stand for justice and for peace. I also stand to say that, "Black Lives Matter."

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