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If Only I Had a Time Machine.....

I think its pretty safe to say that every one of us has, at some point, wished we were able to turn back the hands of time, right? We have all made a declaration that somewhat resembles, "If I could just have an opportunity to do that over again, I would do things different." And the fact is, we probably would. I mean, lets face it, we could have never known the complete outcome behind some of our decisions, actions, choices, etc. Some of our current circumstances were a result of our past elections, which were not all ideal. Some of us would have waited to get married, or have children. Many of us would have went to college when we had the opportunity to do so...after high school. That's just to name a few. But if you are reading this, I bet if I were able to take a peek into your minds and see your thoughts, I'm almost sure that your brain is turning and so many of these, "past acts of free will" are cycling through.

So, would you believe me if I told you that at one point in my life, I researched whether or not a time machine actually existed? Well, its true. My life was in shambles and I didn't see any light ahead. I mean, I really thought I would be able to reenact the plot of Back to The Future, when Marty McFly was able to travel back in time to change certain events in order to produce a different outcome in the what was then, future. {You all are familiar with the trilogy where Marty McFly was portrayed by actor Michael J. Fox, right? No?) Ok, anyway. I was so consumed with the possibility of changing things, and maybe, just maybe, my life would be better Well, no haps. Time machines don't exist; regardless what the many google search results say. I had to come to the realization, that what's done is done There is no turning back. But the beauty is we serve a God of many chances. Every day that He gives you life is a chance and opportunity to get it right. So instead of surrounding your own atmosphere with regret, find the lesson in your choices, learn from them and make better ones. "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." -Ephesians 5:16.

One thing that we all must understand is that aside from failing ourselves, In essence we have also failed God at times. When He sets out a plan for our lives and lays it out, but we deter away from what He has destined for us, He becomes displeased. But the unfailing love God has for us, is the reason he allows us the chance to make better choices. We also must go to him with a "contrite spirit" and repent unto him for the bad choices we have made. But most of all, we have to forgive ourselves. The thing that binds us the most and creates that strong desire to "go back in time" is unforgiveness; especially of ourselves. So many things I did in my past that took me a very long time to forgive myself for. And I would not have been able to do it without God. He is the ONLY one that was able to release me of the guilt and shame I felt due to my past mistakes. But just remember, His spirit must always be present in your atmosphere. "Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty"- 2 Corinthians 3:17

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