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Overwhelmingly Overwhelmed!

One day, I sat at my desk at home, and I began to reflect on ALL I currently have going on in my life I promise it was enough to make a person break out in tears; not because it was a complete disheartening reflection, but because it triggered several thoughts and questions, "Am I lost? Am I really supposed to do ALL of this? God, is this a part of your plan for MY life? Have I missed you at some point?" Last but not least, "does this thing get any easier?" Im a single mother raising two rambunctious little boys, working a full time job, active in church, and still having to deal with the curves that life tends to throw from time to time....sheeeesh, its no wonder I feel overwhelmed. I began to seek answers and solutions; such as what do I need to let go of. Is there anything I can do without? Then it suddenly dawned on me.......I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this time. Everything that is going on is essential to my purpose.

So after the revelation, I asked myself what is it that I need in order to not feel so heavy? The answer is balance. But in order to obtain balance, I must first prioritize. So of course, being a believer and follower of Christ, my first thought is, "well, church comes first...ministry should be my number one priority. Ohhhhh but wait, ministry starts AT HOME! My children and my entire household is my ministry. Now I have to do what it takes to sustain and perfect that ministry. First and foremost, GOD has to be in the center of it all; otherwise, it will all fail. "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. ( 1 Timothy 5:8)

So conclusion, the key to not becoming so overwhelmingly overwhelmed is to first find that balance. And the key to finding balance is to diligently seek God for guidance and just cant go wrong.

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