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Cutting To The Core

Have you ever thought deeply about the core of an apple and how it can relate to life? Think about how an apple looks before you eat it. Its nice and plump; whether it be a red or green apple, its always so sweet and juicy..flawless! But once you take your first bite, just like a vehicle it depreciates. And if you notice if you leave an already bitten apple out in the open, it begins to turn brown; sometimes losing its original texture. (follow me, I'm going somewhere with this) This makes it unappealing to the naked eye. But if you continue to eat it while it still has its original flavor and texture, eventually you will eat it to the core. But the good thing about apple seeds that are exposed at the core, is that they can be re-planted which will allow for a fresh apple to grow and sprout.

This is how I relate to pain. There have been times that I have been "cut to the core" so deeply that it felt like there was no hope for return or restoration. Pain just continues to eat at me, causing me to lose my shape and flavor. Emotional pain is something that I have experienced a lot in life. Although some of the pain I suffered was due to disobedience or just flat out not listening. And because i didn't take heed, once I was bitten, I began to sit and turn brown. But I didn't want to remain stagnant. I desire(d) healing and even though I have been cut to the core, I have some healthy seeds that can be replanted. Once this happens, I will be revived, restored and reset. On the road to becoming a fresh, red and juicy apple again.

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