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Standing Against Opposition

Ghandi once said, "Its easy to stand with the crowd, it takes courage to stand alone." Im almost willing to bank 100% on the fact that we have ALL had an opposing thought or feeling that placed us in the minority, but how many of us actually voiced our objections? If not, why? Well, I can only speak for myself and I am going to give a clear and concise response as to why. I was simply afraid of rejection, due to my objections. Because I struggled with abandonment issues, I couldn't bear the thought of not being accepted by others. I thought that by being part of the "in crowd," (as my mother would put it) I would be respected and acknowledged and yes, it did work for a short time when I was younger. My parents always taught me to be a leader, not a follower. If I get in trouble for something, let it be because I thought of it on my own, not because someone coerced me into doing it. I understood the concept, but it was difficult for me to grasp because there were underlying issues i never even knew were there. That's why it took me so long to finally "get it!"

In this, the results that I had hoped to accomplish turned out to be the exact opposite. When I no longer achieved what I had set out to, I began digging deeper. I started to chase the euphoric effect that in reality was never there and I still didn't understand why. So what I have come to finally realized is that God created us to be different... a "peculiar people." As a believer of Christ, I have had many opportunities to stand alone. Yes, it can be lonely, but we are never alone. There may come a time when we feel strongly about a thought, belief or a cause and we may be the only one that has taken that stance. But we should never let it discourage us and always remember that standing alone is also empowering. Understand that we are children of God and with HIM, we can stand with courage and poise. I encourage you to stand, regardless of the opposition.

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